The Creative Journey of an NYC Gal | Niko Godfrey Bommer

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Fiction Friday: [Deep In The Roots]

Roots dig deep through soil rich in hopes and dreams.
Dreams of achieving the impossible, strengthening every branch.
Branches that bask in and reach patiently toward the sunlight.

But when clouds gather and the world goes dark,
rain tumbles toward the earth, washing
mistakes and insecurities and regrets
from its leaves and down its bark,
driving it all into the soil
to challenge the light.

Now deep in the roots, it cannot nourish the darkness
without breathing new life into the hopes and dreams
that have called it home for so long.
One they won’t give up
without a fight.

They stand their ground, knowing that soon the sun will shine.
Shine a light back on their path to endless possibilities.
Possibilities they refused to give up in the darkness.